Wake boarding and wake surfing are similar, but are ultimately very different sports. In Wake boarding and wake surfing, the rider moves over the waves that are made by the boat. Wakeboarding involves grabbing onto a rope to be towed behind the boat, the rope helps the rider to stay behind the boat and to do tricks, without the rope the rider would not be able to float. Wake surfing does not involve a towline. A wake surfer usually surf, without being trailed by a rope, behind the boat on the wave that is naturally made by the boat. Since outboard motors expose their propeller, inboards are the only safe way to wake surf. Remember, you cannot use any type of boat, you have to use certain boats. Most boats used in the sport have some sort of weight to make large wakes. Wakeboarding evolved from a combination of various sports. Wake surfing is a very similar feeling with a combination of snowboarding and surfing.

A wake boarder is pulled behind the boat by a rope or a towline and the wake boarder rides the waves much like a snowboarder would ride the snow. The wake that the boat created acts as a jump, once you are more advanced you can use it to catch big airs.

Wake surfing is just like regular surfing on a wave you caught in the ocean, only you don't catch an ocean wave, you catch a wave that your wake boat has created. We create a wave that mimics a real ocean wave big enough to ride and do tricks! The boat, by a rope, pulls you out of the water with a rope and once the wave is to your content and you get used to the wave and ride it comfortably you throw the rope back into the boat for someone to catch and you ride the wake freely.
Personally, I like wake surfing much more then wake boarding. Everyone has different preferences. You have to try both sports to get a feel of which one is best fit for you. Depending on the person wake surfing will be harder then wake boarding. For me, I had some trouble wake boarding and wake surfing came easily. It all depends on the type of person you are.
source: http://www.projectfreestyle.com/2011/08/the-difference-between-wakeboarding-and-wakesurfing/
source: http://www.projectfreestyle.com/2011/08/the-difference-between-wakeboarding-and-wakesurfing/
After reading this post i have come to the conclusion that i would much rather wake surf than wake board any day. First of all, I dislike any water sports that have me attached to a water toy that has a motor. I would much rather be "surfing" hen just being pulled in the water. Secondly, I would much rather have the feeling of "walking on water" on a hot sunny day. Lastly, surfing is one thing I have never tired before so I think it would interest me the most. Till next time Jenna!!
ReplyDeleteWow! wake surfing seems very difficult actually I could see myself flipping off the board and smacking into the water at top speed. Wake boarding seems a little easier since your being pulled by a boat.